Health and Wellness
Love the life you live...Live the life you Love
Happiness is linked to our capacity to reach for true joy.
Join us in our study and application, as we discover the fountain of youth and longevity together. We have many mediums that we use to live a purposeful life; healing our minds and bodies is the focus of The Guild. We look into different methodologies used to extend life and improve health and well-being factors. Join us in our quest to discover the Elixir of Life.

"The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering." -Bruce Lee
How many of us can say that we are living a life worth remembering? when we get up in the morning are our actions motivated by faith or by unreasonable fear? Are we doing the things that bring us the most fulfillment or are we stuck behind a mirror of "un-reality"? Are we living in a time warp where everything is happening to us and not by us? How do we become the masters of our destiny so that we can experience Joy as a standard and not the exception?
We've all heard the adage "You are what you eat." But how many of us have taken this sentiment to heart? It is not until we have a doctor's visit or a medical emergency that our lifestyle choices comes under personal scrutiny. After all, as human beings, we can fall into traps of group think, marketing campaigns, colorful packaging and various lifestyle addictions. It is The Guild's philosophy that our health objectives should not be based on rigid ideas of perfection but rather to dedicating ourselves to certain principled actions that lead to healing and help maintain good health. This objective may have an individual baseline depending on personal comorbidities, DNA or other factors.
The majority of Illnesses stem from poor diet choices, which are introduced to us from an early age. If your desire is to extend your life- not only extend it, but extend your life and enjoy it, you must first be a conscious gate-keeper to what you put into your mind, and body. If your desire is to truly "Love the life you live, and live the life you love"- which is at the root of sustainable health, then a stronger connection to spirit is needed.
It is the philosophy of The Guild that all physical transformations begin with the cultivation of a robust spiritual garden. You must become an Alchemist and transmute your lemons into blueberry lemonade!